One word for Greenwich: from letterpress to Digital

  • 23rd January - 10th February
  • TBC
  • Project Space

This exhibition is a collection of year one BA Hons Graphic & Digital Design student work, which explores creatively and conceptually the area of Greenwich, through a typographic journey.

The work brings together two core courses within the programme: the Graphic Design Principles, “sensing the city” project, and Typographic Studies “typo-topo” project.

The exhibition focuses on the understanding of letterpress in relation to contemporary digital techniques, to form a collection of interesting compositions that communicate the characteristics of Greenwich as a space through its social, cultural, heritage and historical impact. This exhibition is a collection of expressive words that ‘map’ the topographic area.

Students have been asked to visually explore their understanding of Greenwich as new members of the University and the department of Creative Professions & Digital Arts. Following on from this they have been invited to Alan Kitching’s Letterpress workshop in Kennington, London, to explore the impact of movable type to their concepts through colour, scale and composition. The second part of the project required the reflection upon their designs and the integration of digital type into their compositions, through the direction of both Alan Kitching and Vaughan Oliver.

The exhibition is curated by year 1 students under the direction of their design lecturers Anastasios Maragiannis, Stacey Pitsilides and David Waterworth. Graphic Design by Maceij