Ex Nihilo: MA Design and MA Digital Arts Interim Show
17th June - 30th June 2022
Stephen Lawrence Gallery
Title: ‘Dirt’
Description: Desire to be surrounded by it. Continues visual thoughts of greedily devouring soil digged from the ground. To be filled by it, to be closer.
Title: ‘ELLIE’
Description: If life is like a movie, does it mean that is fake? What can my grandma’s end credits say about the people and decisions of one’s life? Where is the truth in it?
Title: ‘KA/BA’ (ka: body, energy; ba: soul, personality)
Description: What happens after death is something that will remain a mystery for eternity. This unknown has made us come up with potential answers and assumptions while we are alive. If heaven means the place where your soul feels most comfortable, where would that place be? It's about soul, peace, healing, and reconnection.
Description: Do you accept? We are, at all times one click away from digital damnation. A physical exploration of the disregard for our digital selves.
Description: Recognising your body's flaws is easy but living with them is another story. The focus here is not only the living image of oneself, but also the illustration and normalisation of human imperfections.
Title: 'KYS'
Description: In a digital space built for imagination, exploring worlds challenging new realities with endless possibilities. Why are people such c*nts?
Description: With a chronic migraine, there are lots of triggers but the biggest one is life. An audio visual exploration of communicating a personal migraine experience.
Title: Parallel Portrayal
Description: When certain colors denote purity and power in an ancient science called Vastu Shastra, those same colors denote warning and caution in another context. A graphic representation of the therapeutic nature of arts in relation to the guidelines of Vastu with the amalgamation of the very same colors.
Title: Transitional Objects
Description: Transitory objects across the fault lines of physical to digital.
The School of Design is pleased to announce Ex Nihilo, an interim exhibition produced by our current MA Design and MA Digital Arts students. Ex Nihilo (translated from the Latin as “out of nothing”), focuses on the materialisation of both finalised works and works in progress – demonstrating that something can come out of nothing. The show is a milestone marking the midway point of their postgraduate studies and is a means of testing out new ideas for future projects through more experimental means. A wide range of media will be shown including video, sound, screen-based media, projections, animation, sculpture, print, and digital drawing – all highlighting the diversity and individuality of approaches to the fields of Digital Arts and Design.
Housed within the University of Greenwich’s Stockwell Street Building, MA Design and MA Digital Arts students are given the opportunity to utilize world-class facilities and are taught by academic staff and professional visiting artists & designers. The programme runs for one full calendar year giving students time and space to develop their specific interests culminating in a final public exhibition.