This year marks the 15th anniversary of Screentest: The National Student Film Festival, making it the longest-running fest of its kind. For the occasion, the School of Design has inaugurated an exhibition showcasing the achievements of students and their works in 15 years of Screentest.
Screentest is a platform for promoting and exhibiting young filmmaking talent across the UK. The annual weekend event features industry workshops and panels. The highlight of the festival is the Award Ceremony (of course!) which is like the Oscars – only it’s on a student budget! It was founded at Bristol University in 2004 and relocated to London in 2011 where it enjoyed another 5 brilliant years at London Southbank University. It is now part of the University of Greenwich. The nest iteration of the festival will be held in Stockwell Street’ School of Design on 15/16 November 2019.
Our Project Space is currently hosting a selection of films and posters celebrating the talent of the students who have have been awarded Screentest Prizes in previous years.